Wednesday, January 24, 2007

情人節 Valentine’s Day
子曰:「夾泰山以超北海,不能也;為老人折枝,不為也 。」 海天,永遠活在三十五歲的一群「年輕人」心中

It is an exciting news to let you know that SeaSky has grown up and will step out to share her love to our community senior friends. It’s on Wednesday, February 14, 2007. We will spend two hours (from 10:00 AM to noon) with them. Together, we will have fun, laugh and peace. Will you join us to seek for a most meaningful Valentine's Day?

Our President has prepared a tentative list of songs we will sing. Any suggestion is welcome!

1. 花
2. 秋蟬
3. 麥田
4. 遊子吟
5. 憶兒時
6. 相思雨
7. 月滿西樓
8. 愛的禮物
9. 你儂我儂
10.希雅韓帕 (Shiyahamba)
11.安妮羅瑞 (Annie Laurie)
15.你是我的陽光 (You Are My Sunshine)

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